Additional dog from same household £6
Additional dog from same household £10
Additional dog from same household £8
Drop off & pick up, full 30/60 minute walks, photo/video updates, rinse & towel dry, fresh water, treats, playtime & stimulation, on lead & off lead, safety & monitoring.
Welfare check, feeding, changing water, toilet break, cleaning accidents, photo/video updates, medication (if necessary), playtime & interaction, check & clean bedding, additional care for special needs (senior pets/illness/surgery recovery).
Possibility to add short local walk within above times for small additional fee.
Your dog can join us for multiple, or all planned walks for the day!
Mon - Fri
Unsociable Hours 5pm - 8am
Feeding, changing water, cleaning accidents, photo/video updates, medication (if necessary), playtime & interaction, litter tray cleaning, additional care for special needs (senior pets/illness/surgery recovery), one 60 minute walk per 24hrs.
Any additional requirements, please contact us.